Statistics and Analytics … oh my!

For much of the last twenty years, I’ve worked with databases. Collating and analysing datasets, looking for patterns, trying to make the important stuff easy to retrieve. So you’d probably expect

Why daily letters?

The big thing people are amazed about is that I write stuff daily. You know what? It’s easy. I used to write a technical blog post every week. I used to do

How I write these letters

I write these daily emails and publish on them my site every day. Except, I have to be honest, I don’t do it every day. I generally write a batch of five

Why I write these letters

The main reason for writing these things is to consolidate stuff in my head. Of course, it proves to you, dear reader, that I’m amazing and fantastic. Which of course, I am.

How and Why I write these letters

When I tell people that I send out a daily email, most are amazed. How do you find enough stuff to write about? How do you find the time to write them? Why