
My new gem, Plumbing. - Pipelines (functional-style data transformations) - Rubber Ducks (type-checking the ruby way) - Actors (safe concurrency and parallelism) - Pipes (the observer pattern revisited) And how to use it for your modular monolith.

Why I don't miss Minitest

I've just got back from BrightonRuby, which was excellent. Lots of great talks, meeting up with old friends and making some new ones. A big thank you to Andy Croll and

Functional Pipelines

Before we begin, two bits of houskeeping: * Firstly, I've been up against mega-deadlines for the last few weeks, so I missed a post last week. I can't guarantee that

This is a shit tutorial

I just went back and re-read some of the earlier articles in this series. I'm sat here looking at the code I've written and there's a ton