Hiring Developers from Upwork

I was just involved in a discussion on Reddit, where someone was asking for advice about getting hired on Upwork. That prompted another response from someone asking about the best way to hire


My new gem, Plumbing. - Pipelines (functional-style data transformations) - Rubber Ducks (type-checking the ruby way) - Actors (safe concurrency and parallelism) - Pipes (the observer pattern revisited) And how to use it for your modular monolith.

Why I don't miss Minitest

I've just got back from BrightonRuby, which was excellent. Lots of great talks, meeting up with old friends and making some new ones. A big thank you to Andy Croll and

Functional Pipelines

Before we begin, two bits of houskeeping: * Firstly, I've been up against mega-deadlines for the last few weeks, so I missed a post last week. I can't guarantee that