How I learnt to love sales

I hate sales. I’m one of those people who likes hiding behind a computer screen, not talking to people, staying in the corner. Sales - that’s those guys in shiny suits


Software developers are a funny bunch. It’s been said that trying to manage developers is like trying to herd cats. A key issue is that developers tend to be both bright and


Networking. The very word sends shivers down some people’s spines. Some greasy person in your face, shooting their mouth off about something you’re not really interested in, pushing a business card

Creating standard operating procedures

You often see small businesses that have been there for years. They provide their owners with a good living. They do a fantastic job. But they stay the same, day in, day out,

Brown M&Ms

I’m old enough to remember the 80s. The Miner’s Strike. The shoulder-pads. The casual racism. And the hair metal bands. There was always a rumour going around that van Halen used