What are your best strategies for balancing productivity and free time? How do you make sure you're taking care of yourself too?

I started freelancing for the first time ever in May. I'm an illustrator / graphic designer. I've always had trouble managing my time when I am left to my own devices like this and it's been kind of a mess. I seem to only have two modes - "panic and work like hell" and "sit around wasting time".
We dream of flexibility to choose our own hours. We dream of the freedom to work the best way, without stupid management edicts that just get in our way. And maybe, just maybe, bringing in that extra bit of money to keep us in a better lifestyle than the one we have now.
Financial adviser Naz Ghadamian talks about her strategies for ensuring that her work/life balance remains exactly where it needs to be. How she makes sure she gets everything done on time and how she switches off at the end of the day. Because it's really easy to get caught into a cycle of constantly working, burning yourself out and then falling behind.
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The transcript of this episode will be available later as part of the Daily Update for members: https://clientrobot.com/allworknopay
To get your finances in order, contact Naz on 07724 172089, by email at naz.ghadamian@sjpp.co.uk or on LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/naz-ghadamian