The best and worst of freelancing
One of the great things about working for yourself is you have complete control.
One of the worst things about working for yourself is you have complete control.
When a potential client asks you to sign an NDA before even discussing the project and you need to get it looked at (sneaky things, legal papers) then that’s your responsibility.
When you choose some fancy new tech for the project and it turns out to be not quite ready for prime time then that’s your responsibility.
When you make a decision and get it wrong then that’s your responsibility.
But that’s also the greatest thing about working for yourself.
I worked at one place and the company failed despite me putting in weeks of twelve hour days. All that work and it counted for nothing.
My friend said “I saw how hard you were working but it wasn’t your decisions that sunk the company, it was the other directors”.
And that’s one of the main reasons why I work for myself. If I screw up, if I make the wrong choice, if I fail, it’s entirely down to me.