Is your business financially viable?

Money is good. Especially if you can bring in more than you spend. But sometimes, to get to that "more than you spend" you forget that you, too, are working in

Who is your imaginary dream client?

I spoke about this the other week, but it's a really important one. Who is your imaginary dream client? Is it a man, is it a woman? What car do they

How to avoid commoditisation

I spoke yesterday about how the business model in my software business was all wrong. I was leaving myself wide open to commoditisation. Because I was concentrating on the wrong two phases of


Yesterday I spoke about the four phases of engagement. I've been running a software development business for over ten years now. And I never realised that for years, I only ever

The four phases of engagement

I heard this from Blair Enns, who has an excellent book called "Pricing Creativity". He talks about how consultants have four phases of engagement with their clients. I've probably