What is my audience interested in?

What is your target audience? What industry are you in? Is it marketing? Is it toys? Is it furniture? Is it finance? Search for the top 5 blogs in your industry. Take a

What is a lead magnet?

A lead magnet is the thing that you offer people in exchange for going on your email list. “Get a free report on X”, “Our free checklist to Y”, “Never get Z wrong

How do I build a mailing list?

Having a mailing list is all very well, but what if no-ones on it? Well, people aren’t just going to hand over their email address for nothing. “Subscribe to our newsletter” doesn’

Do I need a mailing list?

The short answer is yes. You absolutely do need a mailing list. Email marketing is a way to cut through the noise. A recent study suggested that for every dollar spent on email

Cleaning your plate

I read a book called "Profit First" by Mike Michalowitcz a few weeks ago. I'll probably write about more in future. But he had a nice analogy in there