Meet your clients where they are today
Even if your positioning statement describes your potential client perfectly, there's still a reason that they may ghost you before you make the sale.
And it's down to a thing called the "Curse of Knowledge".
You see, clients are on a journey.
Some clients don't even know they've got a problem.
Others know they've got a problem, but aren't sure what the solution is.
Some know the problem and have a choice of three or four potential solutions.
And some have chosen which solution is their ideal; they're just looking for someone to help them with it.
Very very few will know the problem, know their ideal solution and will have settled on you as the person to fix it for them.
That's Five Levels. The Levels of Marketing.
If you're talking to a client at Level 1 (they don't know they've got a problem), it doesn't matter if you can see the problem a mile off - they will not care.
If you're talking to a client at Levels 2 or 3 (they know they have a problem but don't know about solutions) and you're talking to them at Level 4 or 5 - it will be an extremely animated, lively and compelling conversation. The client will be excited - they know they have a problem and you're obviously an expert here - but most of what you say will go over their head. So when it comes to closing the deal, they won't actually be that interested; they just wanted to learn more about their options .
It's only when you talk to a client at Levels 4 or 5 that you can actually close the deal. But you're very unlikely to meet someone at that point - especially if what you do is quite technical.
So trying to close the deal at this point is going to lead to the social awkwardness I mentioned the other day. Which in turn is going to result in you being ghosted.
Instead, you need to gradually lead them from their current level - wherever they are today - through to Level 5 - and only then, try to turn them into a customer.
Push to early and you scare them away. You're the ghost, not them.