How to stick to your New Year's Resolutions
Oof - so that's January done with.
In to Month 2 of 2020 (and yesterday was Palindrome Day too).
How are your New Year's Resolutions holding up?
Did you spend time doing the things that you wanted to at the weekend?
Or did you spend Sunday evening with your laptop, "just getting a few bits done before Monday morning"? Even though you had promised yourself you were "done with that this year"?
I'm not always fantastic at it - I spent a good few weekends at the end of last year, desperately trying to clear some client work (software development, which always drags on much longer than expected).
But that's the exception, not the rule now, because I'm following three pretty simple rules - prioritise, design and finance.
- Prioritise, because you have to know what you need to get done first.
- Design, because you need to have a plan and know where you're going.
- And finance, because if you're money's flowing in the right places, it gives you scope to reduce all your other worries.
So if you can feel 2020's good intentions slipping back into 2019's bad habits, I'm doing a free "Ask me Anything"
Just choose a time and we'll have a half hour chat to see what we can do to get your 2020 back on track.
Now, I'm not just doing this out of the good of my heart. Although I do like helping people out.
I'm giving my time and expertise away for free, because, frankly, I had a shitty 2019, and I need to rethink how I approach things in 2020.
So I need to talk to as many people as possible and hear where you are struggling - and thus make sure my offering matches actual needs.
This should end up as one of those fabled win-win situations; I learn a ton and get to help people out, you get some expert advice without shelling out a fortune. Not bad eh?
So if you think you need some help getting your business, and your life, moving in the right direction, pick a time and we'll have a chat. I'm sure I can help you out.