Bad clients

Arsehole clients. The ones where the red flags are flying from your very first interaction. The ones you knew were going to be a terrible mistake but you took on anyway because you

The Five Pillars

There was a point when I realised “shit I’m going to have to learn how to do sales” There was a point when I realised “shit I’m going to have to

Sick of freelancing?

It was the instability that was getting to me. Clients ghosting me when I was following up. Delayed start dates. “Do this one cheap and there will be a whole load of work


I’ve worked for clients who wanted me to come in to the office and I’ve been surprised how two people, sat a few feet apart, have no idea what each other

There's too much competition

There are so many web designers out there, how can I possibly compete? And you’re right. There are a lot of web designers out there. All looking for clients. All wanting to