My friend Dom Hodgson is doing a talk “It’s OK to Fail” at BrightonSEO in April. Very timely given my current mood.
He’s just shown me his notes for it (as
Do you remember the Cobra beer advert? Where the guy who ran the company had a beer company and a bra company? And he was this good looking Indian fella with nice hair
If we want to charge a “high” price we need to anchor it against the return the client is going to get back.
And, for this, we can use a quirk of how
The trouble with raising your prices is the fear that always sits in the back of your head. I really struggle with it. One time I went to type a price on my
PWC have published their report on women in work. I’ve not had time to look at the full thing yet but from the summary I’ve read, these bits stand out: